Accept The Help
It is often hard to grasp onto help when it is offered. Treading water is not sustainable for long and ultimately you may start to sink!
The key message here is that prevention is better than cure, particularly in these tempestuous times.
A common fear that stops the acceptance of help offered is the fear of a loss of independence or control. However, with a clear focus and with carefully chosen support, the important things to you should remain a priority.
Another common fear is the cost. For those individuals who need to self fund, there is often very little available or independent support and advice. For most people, when first seeking support or care, this is uncharted territory.
It is important to understand your options and the value each option may bring to enable informed decisions to be made every step of the way.
Once the Foundation Layer Consultation (see Home page) has been completed you can take the next steps to access the Accept the Help layer.
Accept the Help Layer - £250.00
It is important to understand your options and the value each option may bring to enable informed decisions to be made every step of the way.
My knowledge and expertise in the Care sector enables me to spotlight the most suitable support services & Care Package Scenarios..
You will be presented with different Care Package Scenarios based on your weekly budget and to meet your agreed individual needs.
I will spotlight the most appropriate and suitable services to be approached.
** Checking these services current capacity to support and making any necessary adjustments may be subject to additional charge. This is due to the shortage of capacity across the care sector due to high demand.
For all other Layers of Support please see below;
Peace of Mind
For your ongoing reassurance and peace of mind I also offer Priority Access for monthly levels of ongoing support from £75.00 a month - to secure priority access I have a minimum term of 3 months paid in advance. This is to make sure that I have a clear understanding of my capacity offer priority access to other clients. Please note that I require 1 months notice to cancel.
I have limited space available. Please call for further information on the levels of regular priority access I can offer you.
Gift Voucher - If you are close to a person who needs A Port in a Storm. What better gift can you give them than Peace of Mind. Vouchers available from the value of £75.00.
Gift Vouchers are attractively presented as a Port in a Storm themed card and envelope. Please contact me for further details.