Stormy Seas!
As we get older we often sail into stormy seas! These can be difficult to navigate without support & guidance.
Ripples of change in our daily lives can, over time, wear away our more usual energy and resilience. Riding the waves may work for a while but over time, despite our best efforts, the energy used is too great to sustain.
My expertise and guidance can help you to form a preferred plan and structure of support, individual to you and your lifestyle.
Foundation Layer Consultation - £75.00
This first consultation forms the foundation and necessary understanding of your individual situation. It enables basic advice on necessary areas of focus or possible funding. It also gives access to our other suitable Layers of Support if required. This consultation will normally take place on the phone or virtually e.g. via Zoom.
For all other Layers of Support please see below;
Peace of Mind
For your ongoing reassurance and peace of mind I also offer Priority Access for monthly levels of ongoing support from £75.00 a month - to secure priority access I have a minimum term of 3 months paid in advance. This is to make sure that I have a clear understanding of my capacity offer priority access to other clients. Please note that I require 1 months notice to cancel.
I have limited space available. Please call for further information on the levels of regular priority access I can offer you.
Gift Voucher - If you are close to a person who needs A Port in a Storm. What better gift can you give them than Peace of Mind. Vouchers available from the value of £75.00.
Gift Vouchers are attractively presented as a Port in a Storm themed card and envelope. Please contact me for further details.